Handshake between two person showing trust which might be a synonym of Noon's Seller Profile Feature
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Unpacking noon's Seller Profile Feature: Is It Right For You?

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In the dynamic world of e-commerce, platforms like noon are ceaselessly innovating to bridge the gap between sellers and buyers. One such initiative is the option for sellers to prominently display their information to potential customers via Seller Profile Feature on noon.

But like any feature, it comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the pros and cons of this feature and introduce a solution for those daunted by the challenges - hiring C2L.

Let’s dive deep into the pros and cons of this feature, equipping sellers with the insights they need to decide if this is the right move for their business.

Pros of Displaying Seller Information

  1. Enhanced Transparency: Providing relevant information about the seller ensures a transparent transaction process. Customers have the clarity about whom they’re purchasing from, which can help in building trust.

  2. Boosted Credibility: A visible registered trading license, customer service contacts, and other essential details can elevate the credibility of a seller. It assures the customers that the seller operates legitimately.

  3. Increased Brand Awareness: By displaying their logo and banner, sellers can bolster their brand’s visibility. This not only familiarizes the customers with the brand but also aids in brand recall.

  4. Direct Customer Interaction: Offering customers direct contact options like a customer service phone number or email can potentially reduce transactional friction. It offers an avenue for immediate assistance or clarification.

  5. Performance Monitoring: The Reputation Management page allows sellers to keep a tab on their performance metrics. This feedback mechanism can drive continuous improvement, ensuring the seller aligns with customer expectations.

Cons of Displaying Seller Information

  1. Potential for Misuse: Providing direct contact details like phone numbers and email addresses can expose sellers to spam or unsolicited communications.

  2. Higher Customer Expectations: Displaying more information might lead customers to have higher expectations. Any mismatch between the displayed information and actual service can result in dissatisfaction.

  3. Increased Pressure on Customer Service: By making customer service details prominent, sellers might experience a spike in inquiries, putting additional strain on their customer service resources.

  4. Risk of Negative Feedback: The Reputation Management page, while advantageous, can also highlight negative feedback. Such public display might deter potential buyers.

  5. Maintenance Overhead: Keeping the information updated requires effort. Any changes in the service details, logo, banner, or any other displayed information need to be promptly updated to avoid misinformation.

Overcoming the Cons with C2L:

While the cons of displaying seller information can be challenging, they’re not insurmountable. Engaging C2L can provide the ideal solution. Here’s how:

  1. Spam Management: C2L can implement measures to shield sellers from spam or unsolicited communications, ensuring only genuine queries reach the seller.

  2. Customer Service Excellence: With C2L’s experience in customer interaction, they can manage and respond to customer inquiries, maintaining consistent quality and reducing the pressure on the seller.

  3. Reputation Monitoring: C2L can keep a close eye on feedback, alerting sellers to potential issues before they escalate, allowing for timely interventions.

  4. Regular Updates: Keeping information updated on the platform becomes a breeze with C2L managing it. They ensure all displayed data remains current, reducing the risk of misinformation.

  5. Strategic Guidance: Beyond just management, C2L can provide strategic insights to enhance the seller’s online presence and reputation.

By hiring C2L, sellers can focus on refining their products and other crucial aspects of their business, while C2L handles the online intricacies. It’s a win-win for sellers wanting to enjoy the pros of the display feature while effectively managing the cons.


The decision to display seller information on the noon platform presents both opportunities and challenges. With the added support from C2L, sellers can navigate these challenges more effortlessly, allowing them to enjoy the best of both worlds. In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, a strategic partnership can often be the key to unlocking success.

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